Wednesday, 30 March 2011

dream often.

April finally comes.Sleep more roundly.Bad dreams no more,sweet dreams instead.Actually i have no dreams,cause i sleep too roundly.

That's a good thing when people don't dream when sleeping.They don't have to feel a sense of nostalgia in the air that only grows as the day continues when waking up.That's an odd feeling when you wake up from a dream,then you feel totally empty,not remembering anything from the last dream and just letting your mind float dreamily,like you're being confused between dream and reality.That's why we usually forget who we are in the morning.

I easily feel daunted by people,or things happening around me.Then i dream.


That's the only thing i have talent for.

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Jeff Bridges.

Jeff Bridges.

I hunger for your sleek laugh, your hands the color of a savage harvest,hunger for the pale stones of your fingernails, I want to eat your skin like a whole almond.

It's a hard warm place of mystery, touch it, but can't hold it

i cat you.

Locking rhythms to the beat of her heart, changing woman into life.She has danced into the danger zone, when a dancer becomes a dance.